Admins Leaderboard • 4GF.CZ #25 | ModernPaintball | MIX | HardCore | PAINBALL-MAPS | Cracked

Admins, those who watch over you, pay their dues and make this server the place to be. You gotta respect these soldiers, because they outrank you on B3.
# Name Skill Ratio Kills Deaths
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Showing players with 16 to 128 group_bits

Last Seen

The 1 last seen players


These players have been missing for more than 60 days.

Skill Award
(Best skill: 1426)
Kills Award
(Most kills: 313)
Ratio Award
(Best Ratio: 2)
Winstreak Award
(Highest winstreak: 12)
Rounds Award
(Most rounds played: 19)
Efficiency Award
(Most kills per round: 16)