4GF.CZ #34 | BattleRoyale | Cracked

Awards for the Expert League

Empty League, no awards here...

Awards for the Premier League

Empty League, no awards here...

Awards for the Major League

Empty League, no awards here...

Awards for the Bootcamp League

Empty League, no awards here...

Awards for the Newby Leaderboard

Skill Award
(Best skill: 1000)
Kills Award
(Most kills: 0)
Ratio Award
(Best Ratio: 0)
Winstreak Award
(Highest winstreak: 0)
Rounds Award
(Most rounds played: 1)
Efficiency Award
(Most kills per round: 0)

Awards for the Veteran Leaderboard

Skill Award
(Best skill: 1000)
Kills Award
(Most kills: 0)
Ratio Award
(Best Ratio: 0)
Winstreak Award
(Highest winstreak: 0)
Rounds Award
(Most rounds played: 1)
Efficiency Award
(Most kills per round: 0)

Awards for the Regulars Leaderboard

Empty League, no awards here...

Awards for the Admins Leaderboard

Empty League, no awards here...